ALAMES Against the pandemic COVID 19

In early December 2019, the Wuhan City Municipal Health and Sanitation Commission in Hubei Province, China, reported a group of 27 seafood market workers with a new type of pneumonia, identifying a new agent as the causal agent. a type of coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. The disease was nominated by the WHO as COVID-19 (Acronym for CoronaVirus Disease 2019). On January 30, 2020, cases were reported from all provinces of China, which is why the WHO declared it a Global Health Emergency. For March 11 and due to its rapid spread to more than 100 territories, the WHO declared it a Pandemic. For March 26, the figure of 500,000 infected is reached worldwide and 4 months after starting, on March 30, 776,792 cases and 31,157 deaths were registered. The case- fatality rate in China was 17.3% initially, but it was decreasing reaching 0.7% in February, probably due to a better knowledge of the disease, improvements in preventive measures and in the management of hospitalized patients, and also due to greater case detection. not severe or asymptomatic; although the global mortality rate from covid19 cannot be specified until the epidemic ends.